Every reputed basic life support certification values teaching life-saving skills. Glove removal, primary assessment, CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator), airway obstruction, assisted ventilation, and basic life support considerations are those skills.

This post is the guide you need to master one of the skills mentioned above. The skill likely to be elaborated today is glove removal. It is a valuable part of every basic life support certification course these days.

We want you to learn about it. Learning this skill is the first step of the success ladder you deserve to climb in your career.

Let’s get started!

What is Glove Removal In Basic Life Support:

It is the practice of removing used and contaminated gloves. Touching the outside of the gloves with bare hands is avoided in this process. Every lifesaver must ace this art on a priority basis for several reasons. For example:

This list is nothing but the tip of the iceberg! You will have more reasons to champion this art once you enroll in a basic life support course to be a lifesaver.

Understand this to make the process of glove removal easy for yourself. You will learn how to remove specific types of gloves safely.

The first thing you need to understand is the types of gloves every lifesaver uses.

Types of Gloves Basic Life Support Specialists Use:

Lifesavers use different types of gloves. Take a look at the list of gloves they use during critical circumstances:

Let’s now talk about the value these gloves offer. You will know why all basic life support specialists prefer to use all these gloves while saving a life under critical circumstances.

Let’s Begin The Discussion With Latex Gloves

Latex gloves are cost-effective and biodegradable. The quality of their natural feeling and sensitivity is matchless. All healthcare and medical care organizations with budget constraints prefer to use these reasons.

Enough about the benefits of latex gloves. There are some disadvantages to using latex gloves. Every basic life support provider should know those disadvantages.

Nitrile gloves could be better options under certain circumstances.

The Value Nitrile Gloves Offer:

Nitrile gloves are a perfect option for individuals with a history of latex allergy. Fitting, comfort, chemical resistance, strength and durability, and powder-free options are major advantages of nitrile gloves for all first-aiders.

You’ve read it right! All BLS certification holders prefer nitrile gloves for the reasons mentioned above. These gloves are latex-free and do not cause skin irritation or severe allergic reactions.

Moreover, disposable nitrile gloves are usually their first choice for better protection against bloodborne pathogens under critical circumstances. Their extra puncture resistance and durability as compared to latex gloves. 

BLS certification holders usually do their duty under critical circumstances. They face exposure to chemicals and hazardous materials every day. For this reason, they deserve an extra layer of protection against a broader range of chemicals and solvents.

Nitrile gloves are available in different sizes. Nitrile gloves offer a comfortable fit like latex gloves.

What is more important is the availability of various types of powder-free nitrile gloves. As a result, the risk of skin irritation and allergic reaction for the BLS certification holders and patients is reduced automatically

Vinyl Gloves:

These synthetic gloves are manufactured using PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) resins, additives, and plasticizers. Affordability, comfort, hassle-free availability, design that offers protection and dexterity, and availability in various sizes encourage basic life support certification holders to use these gloves. These gloves are latex-free(Hypoallergenic) and easy to wear and remove.

Vinyl oils are resistant to water, oils, and fats. They are anti-static and free of latex, protein, and allergies. Basic life support specialists can easily wear them in no time while trying to save a life under critical conditions. Vinyl gloves are the best choice for short-term tasks.

Vinyl gloves are used in various industries and daily situations. For example:

These are some good things about Vinyl gloves. Knowing just one side of something is like seeking little knowledge. We expect you to understand it. Little knowledge is always a dangerous thing.

For this reason, we suggest you learn some things that are more crucial for you to know about Vinyl gloves. We are actually asking you to know about the disadvantages of vinyl gloves.

That’s right! There are some disadvantages of vinyl gloves.

Limited durability, non-stretchability, limited chemical resistances, the requirement of proper disposal to reduce environmental impact, the requirement of proper storage and regular cleaning, and unsuitability for use in high-risk environments are some disadvantages of vinyl gloves that every basic life support certificate holder should know about.  

Even loose fitness, less elasticity, chances of a puncture due to cuts, and low protection level are some causes of concern if you are using vinyl gloves. Extra stretching can compromise the protective barrier of vinyl gloves easily. This is the biggest disadvantage of vinyl gloves. 

Polyethylene Gloves:

Polyethylene gloves are manufactured using durable plastic to offer solid protection of hands for basic life support certificate holders against oils, chemicals, solvents, caustics, and other hazardous materials.

Those who wear these gloves experience minimal barrier between their skin and the chemical. Full credit to the disposability, durability, and flexibility of polyethylene gloves.

These gloves are available in thin and medium-weight categories. Every BLS certification holder must value their thickness while purchasing polyethylene gloves. The thickness of these gloves determines the level and quality of protection your hands get.

Polyethylene gloves offer many benefits. For instance:

All these benefits make it easy to accomplish challenges that need a higher level of glove use while saving a life under critical conditions. There are two different types of polyethylene gloves. For instance:

Barrier disposable polyethylene gloves offer BLS certification holders solid protection against bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.  Non-barrier disposable polyethylene gloves are easily affordable amd commonly used for the following purposes:

Make sure you choose the right type of polyethylene glove. It depends on the following:

Powdered or powder-free gloves:

Basic life support professionals frequently use powdered or powder-free gloves while saving lives under critical conditions. Professional lifesavers with clammy hands find it easy to wear powdered gloves. Removing them is also an easy task. Better quality of grip, cost-effectiveness, familiarity, and comfort are some more benefits of using powdered gloves.

What is more important is the spread of diseases or infections between the basic life support specialists and patients is also prevented efficiently using powdered gloves. Another thing you should know is the type of powder used in such latex gloves.

Spores, talcum, and cornstarch are the three different types of powders used in powdered gloves. The use of powdered gloves for saving a life is nowadays limited. The use of powdered gloves usually causes many health issues for patients. The list includes but is not limited only to the following:

On the other hand, powder-free (Non-powdered) gloves are without powder (Spores, Talcum, and Cornstarch). Such gloves offer several advantages. For example:

These advantages are the reasons why basic life support providers use powder-free gloves.

Powder-free (Non-powdered gloves) are usually manufactured using latex, nitrile, and vinyl. Powdered gloves are manufactured using NRL (Natural Rubber Latex). The material used to manufacture powdered gloves is usually coated with cornstarch, spore, and talcum. 

Basic life support providers use these gloves in food, catering, processing industries, laboratories, scientific industries, mechanical, healthcare, medical care, hair care, and beauty industries.

You now have some knowledge about the types of gloves used for basic life support under critical conditions. You are now all set to learn about the process of removing gloves safely.

Process To Remove Gloves Safely:

We have already told you the importance of safe glove removal. We are not going to tell you about it again here. Instead, you are going to learn the safe process of glove removal for a basic life support certification holder after the task is completed.

Follow the steps mentioned below:

Grab one of your gloved hands from the outside. Grab it on top of your wrist.

Do not pinch yourself and develop contact with your bare skin, arms, or scrubs in this process.

Avoid snapping this process. Another important thing throughout the process is your presence of mind. Lack of it could result in a serious mistake that could be fatal for you or the patient.

ActiCert BLS certification gives you a perfect chance to master the art of glove removal safely while trying to save a life under critical circumstances. You will learn a lot more about it than what you have learned through this post. Our experienced and certified tutors will guide you about it in-depth to help you understand the way you should remove gloves safely to keep yourself and the patient safe from health hazards.

Interested? Enrol now!