Every season fills your life with its uniqueness. Everything changes in your life according to the season. Changes in safe food handling practices top the list of things that change every season. These changes determine the level and quality of your customers’ health.

All seasons bring different challenges that impact the health of food items. These challenges affect the health of almost 4 million consumers every year. Thousands of them visit medical care facilities as a result. Not everyone goes back home alive! That’s a bitter reality!

We think you must know these challenges. The level and quality of your knowledge about issues related to food safety help address food health concerns in many ways. You will realise it through this guide.

For this reason, we think you must know the food-handling challenges that come with every season. Continue reading this post to learn about these food safety challenges season-by-season.

The List of Seasons In Canada:

This is the first thing you need to know before we get to the point. Canadians experience four seasons every year. Spring, summer, fall, and winter are those seasons.

Weather temperature fluctuates frequently during the spring season. This fluctuation results in inconsistent refrigeration, bacterial growth, fungal contamination, water contamination, pest infestation, chemical residue, food transportation delay, and dirty food storage facilities. All these food health concerns impact the quality of food items and consumers’ health. The list does not end here only. 

Many people face hell in the form of diarrhea, infections, food poisoning, and meningitis during the spring season. Harmful bacteria, pathogens, viruses, and germs deserve credit for spreading these food-borne illnesses.

We don’t want your customers to face these health problems. We want your customers to live their life to the fullest. 

We want you to climb the success and growth ladder as a safe food-handling expert in Canada. We wish to see your business getting in the good books for all the good reasons.

You can learn all these practices during your food safety certificate course in Canada. The implementation of these practices will help you keep food items safe during the Canadian spring season. 

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) receives 2035 consumer food safety complaints every year. Most of these complaints are directly related to extraneous materials found in food items. Then comes the number of food allergies and allergens, chemicals, microbiologicals, and other issues.

Harmful bacteria, pathogens, viruses, and germs faster during the summer season. For this reason, the chances of health nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps, fever, chill, fatigue, weakness, headache, muscle ache, and other food-borne illnesses to your customers multiply significantly.

Therefore, you and your staff should implement the following tips:

Fall is a season of fun for everyone. Canadians love the fall season. They love to enjoy apple pies, pumpkin pies, hearty soups and golden skies during their picnic season. What makes their picnic special is the way you pack, store and handle food items prepared for them. You are advised to follow the following tips that help address food health concerns during the fall season to help make your picnics more fun:

These tips will help your customers keep their food items safe for a long period. They will be able to enjoy their picnic. 

The Canadian winter season marks the beginning of the festive season throughout the nation. Every Canadian loves this season. They wait for the winter season eagerly to enjoy their food outings with their family, friends, and colleagues. It is the perfect time for you to put your food cooking, handling, temperature control, and storage practices to use in the best possible way. The value of safe food handling multiplies for several reasons in Canada during the winter season. For example: 

Your career and food business will reach the next level for sure. The list of things you will learn through this certification course includes safe food handling practices, personal hygiene practices, tips related to time and temperature controls, proper use of a thermometer, allergies and allergens, proper food storage practices, the art of cooking and cooling foods, housekeeping and sanitation practices, microbiology, growth of microorganisms, and related food health concerns, and HACCP. 

Do you want to enroll in it? Fill out the quick application form. All it takes is a couple of minutes of your schedule. Do you have any questions about the course? Visit our website or Call us right away! We will answer all your questions instantly! 

Hurry! Not many seats are vacant now!