Red Cross certifications are mandatory for those who want to be professional lifesavers in Canada. Those who enroll in these certifications in the hopes of a better professional and financial life in Canada reap several benefits.

The Benefits of Red Cross Certifications:

These certificate courses are important in Canada. It is because you gain knowledge, skills, and experience to be a professional lifesaver.

You Attract Professional Opportunities:

Many industries in this part of the world hire professional lifesavers. They employ certified professionals. A Red Cross certificate is a prerequisite for those who want to be professional healthcare, childcare, and elder care specialists and provide CPR, first aid, and emergency care.

They get enough opportunities as coaches, lifeguards, and fitness trainers in the domain of sports and recreation.

A Red Cross certification is mandatory in Canada even if you want to be a professional lifeguard, firefighter, paramedic, or rescue worker.

Legal Workplace & Compliance becomes a cakewalk for Canadian employers. The Federal Government of Canada has strictly instructed several industries to hire individuals only if they are first aid certified and CPR specialists.

Focus on hiring certified specialists helps employers comply with Canada’s workplace safety regulations and standards to avoid legal issues. 

The right to volunteer and participate in Community Initiatives is another benefit all Red Cross certificate holders get. You become a volunteer with all rights to assist in the following:

All in all, you get a chance to become an invaluable asset to society.

Access to Skill Enhancement And Public Safety Programs:

Red Cross training courses elevate the level and quality of your skills. Individuals gain the knowledge, skills, and experience required to deal effectively with medical and healthcare emergencies like heart attacks, accidents, injuries, and more to contribute to public safety.

Credibility Stamp:

Red Cross training courses add credibility to your knowledge, skills, and experience. It is because you earn your certification/recertification from a reputed Canadian institute/college/university.

Employers and patients trust a certified first aid service provider from a reputed college/institute/college. 

This is merely the tip of the iceberg! Let us tell you separately about the value every Red Cross training course adds to your career.


This course loads first responders knowledge, skills, and experience required to deal with cardiovascular emergencies and choking adults, babies, and children. The certification has two levels (Level A and Level C). 

The level A content of this CPR certification guides you about the following concepts:

Level C of this CPR certification helps you revise your Level A Content. You gain the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to deal with Choking (Children and Babies) and CPR and AED-related issues (Children and Babies). 

Those who complete this CPR-AED CERTIFICATION increase their chances of employment in Canada.

Basic Life Support Certification:

This one is for professionals with a duty to respond. The successful completion of this certification loads with knowledge, skills, and confidence in professionals with the duty to respond to requirements to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a team environment.

This BLS certification offers you value in the form of improved glove removal skills. You learn to perform primary assessment without hassles. Performing CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED (Automated External Defibrillator). Your knowledge about basic life support reaches the next level. What is more important is you learn about assisted ventilation and airway obstruction.

Do you know the most important thing? This BLS certification makes you eligible for lucrative jobs in various Canadian industries. What are you waiting for? Get it!

Emergency First Aid Blended (Levels A or C)

It is a comprehensive course loaded with knowledge to equip you with first aid and CPR skills to save lives at home, workplace, and in public places. The course offers a lot of value to students. You gain knowledge about the following:

Level A of emergency first aid blended (Levels A or C) offers you learning through 4 hours online + 3.5 hours in class. Level C of this offers the same value through 4 hours online + 4.5 hours in class. 

All the knowledge you gain through this certification helps you build a lucrative and rewarding career in various Canadian industries.

Standard First Aid Blended (Levels A or C)

The entire discussion is complete without throwing light on this first aid certification. It takes your knowledge and skills related to cardiopulmonary skills to the next level. The certification is for those who need training due to work requirements. It is for those who want to be loaded with more meaningful knowledge to respond to emergencies at home effectively.

Standard First Aid Blended (Levels A or C) takes your knowledge about The Red Cross, the art of preparing to respond, processes related to check, call, and care, airway emergencies, the EMS system, breathing and Circulation emergencies, first aid for respiratory and cardiac arrest, and wound care to the next level.

More importantly, you gain knowledge, skills, and experience needed to deal with bone, muscle, and joint injuries, environmental Illnesses, SMEs (Sudden Medical Emergencies), and several types of poisons. 

Again, this one also offers many lucrative career opportunities like all other Red Cross certifications. We suggest you enroll in this certification to elevate the quality of your career.

ActiCert has all these Red Cross Certifications in its courses portfolio. Choose the one that you want to enroll in! You will experience a difference in your career soon. 

Enrol now! Have you got a question? Call our support staff immediately!


A BLS certification loads lifesavers with confidence. All this confidence helps lifesavers gain the skills needed to perform CPR skills confidently in a team environment. They become more responsible lifesavers with a duty to respond.

A BLS certification loads you with several essential life-saving skills. The list includes but is not limited to the following:

We have been talking about one of these concepts for some time. It is the concept of airway obstruction. We have decided to advance your knowledge about it. We are going to detail the following in this post for you:

The Art of Treating Airway Obstruction:

The basic life support certification course teaches you several airway obstruction treatment methods mentioned below:

Airway obstruction is a serious medical condition. There are many types of airway obstruction. Some of its types get treated easily. However, some types of airway obstructions can be life-threatening. If ignored, consider the inevitable on cards!

Call emergency medical services if you see someone facing airway obstruction. Allow us to discuss these treatments with you.

The Heimlich Manoeuvre:

Every basic life support certification course focuses on this emergency technique. It is applied to help if someone is choking on a foreign object. Follow the steps mentioned below to handle the situation in the best possible way!

Important Note: The Red Cross Society also recommends five back blows. However, some medical study-related institutes do not teach such a thing.

This emergency technique is used for infants.


Airway swelling is one of the causes of airway obstruction. It happens to people with severe allergies. Therefore, you should carry an EpiPen in your emergency medical kit. Following is the list of people who usually face this condition.

Such people have to face one of the conditions mentioned below:

Such a condition results in complete airway obstruction within a couple of minutes.

What is an EpiPen?

A simple injector that carries Epinephrine is called EpiPen.

What is an EpiPen?

A basic life support specialist is asked to inject an injection into the patient’s outer thigh. Inject it as soon as the patient experiences symptoms of severe allergic reaction.

This injection is useful for a patient experiencing anaphylactic shock. Inject it while the patient waits for the medical services to arrive at the scene.

The medical professional who arrives at the scene must be a basic life support certificate holder with complete knowledge about the art of injecting EpinePhrine after evaluating the patient. Evaluate the patient as possible.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):

A basic life support certification holder must be familiar with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills. All lifesaving skills related to the CPR process are always taught to medical emergency professionals. Skills relevant to it are used under the following circumstances:

It is done until medical services arrive at the scene.

Perform the steps mentioned below to perform CPR in such a critical situation:

Continue the process until an ambulance or a team of BLS certification-holder medical professionals arrive at the scene. 

Prognosis After An Airway Obstruction:

There are several types of airway obstruction treatment methods. Any treatment can be used once the ambulance arrives.

One of the following tubes can be inserted into the airways:

The insertion of these tubes can help ensure oxygen flow through swollen airways. Two surgical openings are ensured in the airways. These two surgical openings help bypass and obstruct. Mentioned below are the names of those two surgical openings for your reference:

Medical professionals who are heavily experienced, skilled, and basic life support certificate holders perform these medical procedures when all of the methods mentioned above fail. 

Keep Watch On Prognosis After An Airway Obstruction:

Airway obstructions can be life-threatening even during the treatment. However, prompt treatment can help patients get rid of this medical condition. Seek medical help immediately if you see someone experiencing airway obstruction.

Acute Upper Airway Obstruction:

It is a blockage that interferes with the upper airway system of your body. This part of your respiratory system consists of the following organs:

Airways obstruction prevents the flow of oxygen in all parts of your body. This problem has the potential to cause two major health issues listed below:

It happens within a couple of minutes. This type of airway obstruction has the potential to be life-threatening. Look for a basic life support certificate holder or call for medical help immediately if you or someone you know is dealing with such a problem.

Cause Of Upper Airway Obstruction:

People experience this problem for several reasons. Listed below are those reasons for your reference:

The Best Time To Seek Medical Attention:

Don’t be lazy in this matter. Call a basic life support certificate holder or medical help immediately. Agitation, confusion, panic, drooling, swollen face, swollen tongue, difficulty in breathing, wheezing, choking, unconsciousness, and other unusual breath sounds are some common symptoms of UAO (Upper Airway Obstruction).

The list of signs varies sometimes. The signs of UAO could be different among two patients. Cyanosis can also be a symptom of upper airway obstruction. Cyanosis occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the patient’s body. It gives the following a bluish color:

Immediately call a medical professional with a basic life support certificate for help if you notice a bluish tint in these organs/parts of your body.

Knowledge is a deep ocean. It never ends. You will continue finding something new every time you deep dive into this ocean. Therefore, keep coming back here to learn more about the concept.

Come back acticert to enroll in the best BLS certification course in Canada. You will learn about it and many more concepts. Call our support staff if you need help to enroll! Assistance is just a call away!


Inclement weather, accidents, and catastrophes are becoming a common thing these days. Such things lead to many deaths. Countless lives turn upside-down as a result. The value of an emergency first aid kit multiplies in such a situation. It will help you save lives under critical circumstances.

You will always be ready for medical emergencies. There will be no delay in the beginning of medical treatment for the needy. You are going to learn about it. However, you need to understand the value of emergency response essentials. The Red Cross certificate course is the best medium for it.

Phases of First Aid Emergency Management:

Medical emergencies need more priority, full attention, and effective management. Such an important thing could be feasible only with full preparations in advance.

A proper understanding of medical emergency management can help you prepare a first aid kit in advance. You need to understand the following phases of emergency management for it:


Prevention is better than cure. Value to this aspect of the initial medical treatment process initiates the prevention of hazards that occur from mishaps. Focus on this phase of emergency management is essential to develop plans for the following:

It is important to prevent the risk of life loss and life-threatening injury growth.


Red Cross certificate holders understand the value of this emergency management. Value to this phase helps reduce the impact of the following mishaps that happen because of Inclement weather, accidents, and catastrophes.

The list does not end here only. A first aid kit prepared in advance can help ensure it significantly.


Preparedness is a never-ending cycle. This process involves the cycle of the following:

The preparedness process includes several things. The list includes but is not limited to the following measures:


It is your reaction to the occurrence of a mishap or medical emergency. The execution of everything you learn during your Red Cross certificate course is dedicated to the following:

The response phase is a combination of the following safety measures:


This is another key phase of medical emergency management. Red Cross certificate holders focus on this aspect to ensure the restoration of critical bodily and psychological functions of a patient.

This phase begins immediately after the threat to the patient’s life subsides completely. Listed below are some goals of this phase:

Value to the recovery process is important. It will help patients recover from the impact of their injuries.

You need to understand the value of an emergency response essentials kit to ensure the prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery on time and in the best possible way.

First Aid Kit Preparation Art Will Help In This Process:

An emergency first responder is like a soldier on a battlefield. A soldier must be ready to face all types of situations all the time. Similarly, a first aid provider should be armed with medical emergency equipment.

First Aid Kit Preparation Art Will Help In This Process:

Listed below are some emergency response essentials you need for effective first aid treatment:

◆ Readiness Kit:

Get a backpack to store a bottle of water, some food, clothes, bedding, tools, emergency supplies, and necessary tools to prepare your kit. 

◆ Water Bottle:

Make sure you have enough water for three days at least (Per Person). At least one gallon of water per person is needed every day.

◆ Foot Items:

Keep some food items in your kit that don’t need the following:

Listed below are some food items you can keep in your kit:

First Aid Kit For Medical Emergency Response:

You will have to learn the art of finding medical stores to keep the supply of medical emergency response essentials supply continued. For this reason, you must know the address of every medical store, clinic, or hospital in every area near the accident scene. Listed below are items you will need to keep your first aid kit ready all the time:

➢ Basic Items You Need In Your Kit:

Non-Prescription Drugs You Must Have In your First Aid Kit:

Always keep a pack of aspirin, nonaspirin pain reliever, anti-diarrhea medication, a pack of antacids (for stomach issues), laxatives, activated charcoal, and ice pack syrup. Remember, you should use icepack syrup only if the Poison Control Center advises you to do so.

Tools and Supplies:

All Red Cross Certificate courses particularly focus on this aspect of initial medical treatment. General supplies and sanitation tools fall into this category. For this reason, you must ensure the availability of the following tools and supplies used in this process:

General Supplies:


Make sure you have the following toilet papers, towelettes, soaps, liquid detergents, feminine supplies, personal hygiene items, disinfectants, household chlorine bleach, a tightly lid plastic bucket, plastic garbage bags, and ties to carry out the first aid process effectively.

Clothing and Bedding:

Clothing and bedding should also be an important part of your emergency response essentials kit. These items will help you transport the patient to a nearby medical facility or hospital safely. The list of such items includes but is not limited to strong work boots, a set of rain gear, small blankets or a pair of sleeping bags, some hats, gloves, thermal underwear, and sunglasses.

Special Items:

Don’t forget to ensure the availability of special items like formulas, diapers, bottles, medications, and breast milk for infants. You must get insulin, prescription drugs, denture needs, contact lenses, supplies, extra eyeglasses, heart and high blood pressure-related medication, your Red Cross certificate, and your insurance documents.

You need to understand the value of these things in your initial medical care kit. The availability or absence of these things can make a world of difference in the time of need. The availability of these items can save someone’s life.

The absence of these items can send a patient’s and his/her family’s entire life for the toss. Red Cross certificate course providers particularly focus on this aspect of initial medical care. You are taught about the process of finding the first-aid kit near the accident scene. Another thing you are taught as part of the course is the way of keeping the kit ready all the time.

Do you also want to enroll in one such course? You are at the right place! Acticert have several Red Cross Certificate courses for you. Explore the value our courses can offer you and enroll in the one that you believe you need the most.

Hurry! We don’t have many seats!


Falls at the workplace end many careers and lives prematurely. The availability of first aid facilities can help reduce the premature ending of careers and lives.

Such a precarious mishap at the workplace happens because of many reasons. The list of reasons includes the following:

Lack of fall protection equipment is another major reason for such mishaps at the workplace. Therefore, ensure the availability of safety gear to ensure fall protection before installing first aid equipment at your workplace.

Understanding strength ratings and the safe use of fall protection equipment is also important to prevent such workplace mishaps.

Why Is It So Important?

You and the workforce need to understand the strength ratings of fall protection equipment. It is essential for the following reasons:

The quality of your understanding of the strength ratings of fall protection equipment reduces your chances of using emergency first aid blended kits installed in your office. It is because you are using fall protection gear of very high quality.

Why Understand Safe Use of Fall Protection Equipment At Workplace?

Another crucial thing is the level of your understanding of the safe use of fall protection equipment at the workplace. It matters for the following reasons:

Again, installing an emergency first aid blended kit in your office can take the backseat for some time. Only for some time! Ok?

Understanding the safe use of fall protection equipment at the workplace will help you reduce reliance on the emergency first aid blended kit installed in your office.

Types of Fall Protection Equipment:

Know about it before understanding strength ratings and the safe use of fall protection equipment. Given below are the types of fall protection equipment:

Learn about it before enrolling in an emergency first aid blended course. You will be able to understand strength ratings and safe use practices of fall protection equipment if you understand the following:

Again, we suggest you get the hang of these things to make the most of the learning you get during your emergency first aid blended course.

Light On Strength Ratings Of Fall Protection Equipment For Safe Use:

These pieces of equipment must be powerful enough to ensure the safety of users. The following are the standards for it:

➢ Fall Arrest System, Fall Protection System, Safety Harness, And Lifelines:

Generally, a fall arrest system, fall protection system, safety harness, and lifelines must be able to withstand at least five thousand pounds per person attached. All this safety equipment must be designed to take care of at least two users under the supervision of heavily experienced professionals to ensure safe use.

➢ Positioning, Safety Nets, And Administrative Controls:

The positioning must have the capability of taking care of 3000 pounds or at least two times more than the potential impact load. The mesh size of safety nets should not be more than 6 inches square. It must withstand the impact of a 400-pound bag thrown from the highest working surface. As far as administrative controls are concerned, there are no strength ratings. However, some protocols and processes are there.

The understanding of these things ensures less dependency on emergency first aid blended kits to ensure employee safety.

➢ Suspension, Anchors, Lanyard, And Retrieval:

The suspension must support the intended load with at least six safety factors. Anchors and lanyards should easily take care of at least five thousand pounds. The design of retrieval should ensure fast and safe retrieval of fallen professionals using a mechanical advantage system.

➢ Carabiner, Rope Grabs, And Shock Absorbing Lanyards:

The minimum breaking strength or maximum withstanding force of carabiners and rope grabs must exceed five thousand pounds at least. The maximum shock-absorbing force of Shock absorbing lanyards must be 1800 pounds.

➢ Connectors, Hazard Elimination Program, And Guard Rails:

Connectors should be able to bear the impact of 5000 pounds at least. Guardrails must have the capability to withstand the force of 150 pounds to 200 pounds at least. There are no specific strength ratings related to hazard elimination programs.

➢ Fall Rescue Program, And Fall Limiters:

The strength rating of the fall rescue system depends on the equipment used. Fall limiters must be able to arrest forces of within 1800 pounds. The deceleration distance should not exceed 3.5 feet under all circumstances.

Your understanding of this concept will help reduce your reliance on first aid kits installed in your office. But it does not mean you can underestimate the value of initial medical kits installed in your office for employee safety.

Do you want to know the value such safety kits add to your office or business? Enroll in one of our first aid courses. You will then understand!

Hurry! We have limited seats only!


Occupational first aid training (OFA) is essential for every member in your workforce. The concept is dedicated to teaching your employees about the following:

This workplace safety innovation elevates the quality of your safety skills with proper initial medical care training. But how? Is that what you are thinking about? Keep reading further. We are going to answer your question.

The Levels of Occupational First Aid Training:

Let’s get started from this point. There are three levels of OFA training. All these levels prepare you to make your workplace more safe.

The most important thing you learn is the art of responding to medical emergencies at the workplace with complete confidence.

Let’s First Talk About The First Aid Skills OFA Training Level 1 Equips You With:

Anyone above 16 years of age is eligible for OFA Training Level 1. The completion of this phase of the course levels up the quality of your workplace safety skills with learning about the following concepts:

Moreover, determining situation assessment becomes your skill. It helps you develop a priority action approach required.

Workplace emergency first aid blended is another name of OFA Level 1 Training.

The Value OFA Level 2 Training Offers:

OFA Level 1 training content is an essential part of this level. Given below is the list of new skills you gain to ensure employee safety at your workplace:

The successful completion of this level of emergency first aid blended course makes you eligible to learn new skills during the final level. 

Everything You Learn During OFA Level 3 Training:

Occupational first aid level 3 training includes repetition of everything you learn during level 2 training sessions. Listed below are workplace safety skills you learn during level 3 training classes:

The successful completion of this emergency first aid blended training course to ensure employee safety at the workplace rewards candidates with nationally valid certificates. This is not the only benefit this part and process of employee safety at the workplace offers.

Benefits of Occupational Emergency First Aid Blended Training:

OFA training benefits you, your business, and your workforce in many ways. It is because your employees remain protected at their workplace. Take a look below at the list of values this employee safety training initiative offers:

Your employees should think about enrollment in occupational emergency first aid blended training courses for all the reasons mentioned above. Alternatively, you can also encourage your employees to do it. We can help you on this front.

We have several first aid courses that can equip you with skills, knowledge, and experience relevant to occupational first aid training.

Visit our official website acticert to know about the value we can offer you.

Got a question? Great! Call us anytime! We will answer all your questions instantly over the call!

Let’s get connected!


Life on every front is unpredictable. You never know what is going to happen next. Many pleasant and unpleasant things happen in all walks of life. For this reason, first aid training is essential for businesses to prevent workplace mishaps.

Value to it helps equip your staff with knowledge, experience, and skills to deal with student medical emergencies at the workplace and save a life under critical circumstances.

Value to this initial medical care concept saves your business from a disaster in many ways and helps it climb the growth ladder without hassles. You need to understand it.

First Aid Training Benefits Your Business in Several Ways:

In other ways, your business and workforce reap benefits in the long term. Initial Medical care courses make it possible.

Let’s Talk About These Long Terms Benefits Of Red Cross Certificate Courses:

Value to Initial medical care at the workplace helps save lives and develops a safe environment. The morale of your employees also reaches the next level. This proactiveness for your employees adds many values to your business.

Your business and employees reap these benefits through the medical safety and well-being of employees. This is what we are going to highlight through today’s post.

Light On Benefits Your Business Reaps:

You are not just a boss! Remember this! Your staff looks up to you as a leader. The leader is someone who prioritises the team’s safety. Take this responsibility on your shoulders. Explained below are some benefits businesses reap with Red Cross Certificate Courses.

The Chances of Workplace Accidents Reduce:

Workplace accidents hamper the productivity of your team significantly. As a result, your business gets affected. Such mishaps happen because of slips, trips, falls, traffic collisions, over-exertion, violence, chemical exposure, electrical injuries, repetitive motion injuries, collision by moving objects, explosions, fires, lifting failures, repetitive strain injuries, equipment accidents, struck against accidents, burns, entanglement, fatigue, stress, bumps into an object or things, a moving object and striking the worker.

These workplace accidents turn the lives of your workers upside down. Even the productivity of your team also goes for the toss. First Aid certificate courses equip your workforce with the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to save the life of their coworker if something goes wrong during work hours.

They know what to do and what to avoid to prevent workplace accidents. They are proactive on this front all the time.

First Aid Training Spreads A Sense of Safety Among Your Staff Members:

Your staff deserves to feel safe at the workplace. Your workforce deserves protection against workplace accidents mentioned earlier. Spot the following to ensure it:

You need to hire Red Cross Certificate holders to ensure all this. They possess all the knowledge, skills, and experience to accomplish this herculean task. They will make sure every member of your team is physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially safe. Their inclusion in the staff will spread a sense of safety in the team.

Value To Employees Reduces Recovery Time And Expenses:

First aid certificate training makes employees feel valued. They feel more valued when you conduct workplace safety meetings and hear their opinions and feedback about everything. Value to their feelings, and experiences about safety and relevant initiatives, campaigns, tools, techniques, measures, protocols, and decisions boosts their confidence. They feel like contributing more to the safety of the workplace for each other.

An employee with a Red Cross certificate knows what to do to help an injured employee recover faster. Their wealth of skills, experience and knowledge significantly reduces the following:

The Productivity Of Your Team Shoots Up:

The quality of productivity matters more than the quantity of productivity. Rise in the level of things is directly linked to two things you offer to everyone in your workforce:

An employee who feels safe at the workplace is likely to raise the productivity bar as compared to one who feels unsafe at the workplace. It is because he or she feels in good hands if something goes wrong at the workplace.

Such employees work for your business happily and dedicate more time to their jobs. They do their job confidently and do everything to raise the quality of their productivity to be an asset your business needs to climb the growth and success ladder. 

We suggest you hire employees that have the following Red Cross Certificates:

An employee with a food handler certificate is also necessary for it. Alternatively, you can encourage your staff members to earn all the first aid certificates listed above. 

Do you want to create a safe environment for everyone in your organisation? Then do what we have suggested above. All your employees will feel safe at work. They will happily dedicate their wealth of time, skills, experience, and knowledge your business needs to be safe for everyone. In this way, your organisation will experience more growth and success.

Let us know if you want the best first-aid training to make your office safe for your employees. ActiCert will help you on this front! We have everything needed to exceed your requirements and expectations.

Explore our portfolios of Red Cross Certificate Courses on our official website Acticert. You will get the value you, your business, and your staff deserve.

Do you have a question? Call us right now! Let’s get connected!


Slips, trips, and falls frequently happen at workplaces worldwide. Employers worldwide encourage their staff to enroll in first aid courses to prevent such accidents. They do so for several reasons. For example:

Such injuries prove to be harmful to your business, injured employees, and their families. First aid helps prevent such a scenario at the workplace.

For these reasons, your employer takes steps or introduces policies to prevent workplace mishappenings.

Almost 60,000 workplace accident cases are reported every year in Canada. These cases are related to slips, trips, and falls.

Where Do Slips, Trips & Falls Related Workplace Mishaps Happen?

This is a million-dollar question. You deserve an answer to it for the following reasons:

Professionals Working in the Following Industries Commonly Face Such Mishaps:

◆ Retail Stores -

Employees slip on wet floors. They trip while moving things from one place to another. They fall from high ladders or stairs.

◆ Shopping Malls -

Slippery floors, elevators and escalators, cluttered kiosks, cluttered displays, spills, leakage, or debris on food court floors are the leading causes of slips, trips, and falls in shopping malls.

◆ Restaurants -

The one who serves you food in restaurants is also a human being. He or she can also slip, trip, or fall. In such a scenario, food or beverage spillage on the floor is bound to happen. Children or messy eaters, overcrowding, and poor restaurant design are also some reasons for such a workplace mishap.

◆ Hotels And Resorts -

Their staff also experiences much trouble. It happens because of messy eaters, water leakage, water accumulation, food and beverage spillage on floors, cluttered lobbies, debris in restaurant areas, uncontrolled elevators, and slick floors.

◆ Amusement Parks -

Excessive crowds, food and beverage spillage on the floor, and slippery pool edges are the reasons for slips, trips, and falls. They are the reason why professionals working in amusement parks slip, trip, and fall.

◆ Construction Sites -

How can we forget construction sites while talking about accidents of any type? The world of construction reports millions of accidents every year. Most of these accidents impact construction workers. They get injured due to slips, trips, or falls because of wet soil, water leakage, slippery soil/cement, unattended ropes, wires, holes, broken ladders, out-of-order JCB machines, and several more reasons. 

Parking lots, garages, staircase manufacturing units, sidewalks and walkway developers, automobile spare part manufacturing units, and construction sites report many such accidents yearly. For this reason, professionals associated with these industries need first aid the most.

Poor lighting, blind spots, wrinkled carpeting, leaning over guardrails, working on heights without full protection, and obstructed views are some more reasons for such accidents at the workplace. 

Again, such accidents prove too dangerous for the victims and their families. But the business of their employers also suffers significantly.

Most employers nowadays focus on employee safety for this reason.

How Do Employers Ensure Employee Safety At Workplace?

This is another million-dollar question. The modern generation of employers constantly and consistently encourages their employees to earn Red Cross Certifications to ensure employee safety at the workplace.

These courses equip the workforce with the skills, knowledge, experience, and confidence they need to save a life under critical circumstances.

Let us tell you about the skills, experience, and knowledge your staff gains through these Red Cross certifications. We will talk about it one by one.

There are various types of certifications. You can encourage your staff members to enrol in these courses. For example:

Standard First Aid Blended (Levels A or C):

This continuous course is a great option for those who want to learn CPR skills due to professional requirements. The course fulfills the following guidelines:

Your employees learn the following through offline and online instructor-led sessions conducted during the course:

Encourage your staff members to earn Standard First Aid Blended (Levels A or C) certification to make a safe workplace environment. 

Emergency First Aid Blended (Levels A or C):

The quality of knowledge, experience, and skills gained through this certification can also help prevent slips, trips, and falls at the workplace. It fulfills all the requirements that the Red Cross certification highlighted above fulfills.

Online and offline instructor-led classes of this course allow you to learn everything mentioned below:

The most important thing Emergency First Aid Blended (Levels A or C) will teach you is the list of preventive measures you, your staff, and your organization can implement to prevent slips, trips, and falls at the workplace. It is because you are ready in advance for such things. 

CPR-AED Certification A Or C Blended:

Some people suffer cardiovascular attacks due to life-threatening slips, trips, and falls at the workplace. Problems like choking and stroke are also the reasons for such problematic happenings.

Encourage your employees to enroll in this Red Cross Certification to gain skills, experience, and knowledge related to the following through online and in-class instructor-led sessions:

The entire level A content is taught to the level C applicants also. CPR-AED Certification A Or C Blended holders know everything required to prevent strokes, choking, and cardiovascular problems that happen to victims after slips, trips, or falls at the workplace. Their contribution can help your business climb the success ladder easily.

Basic Life Support Certification:

Those who earn this Red Cross Certification are professionals with a duty to respond. They possess a wealth of confidence in CPR skills at the workplace. Full credit to the quality of knowledge and experience about the following skills this certification offers to professionals through online and in-class instructor-led sessions:

If something goes wrong, their wealth of skills, knowledge, and experience can help save the life of your staff member in such a situation. More importantly, they know dos and don’ts to help avoid dangerous slips, trips, and falls.

Food Handler Certificate Course:

Effective and safe food handling processes are equally important to

prevent slips, trips and falls at the workplace. Ineffective, poor, and safe food handling practices also result in workplace accidents.

Most workplace accidents usually happen because of improper, unsafe, and poor food handling practices followed by employers and employees.

Such mishaps usually happen at retail stores, shopping malls, restaurants, amusement parks, construction sites, parking lots, garages, staircase manufacturing units, sidewalks, and walkway developers, automobile spare part manufacturing units, and everywhere you can and cannot think.

It is because people eat food everywhere. As a result, things like food spillage, floor wetting, water spillage, water leakage, food debris, overcrowding, water accumulation, and waste food accumulation usually happen at these places.

For this reason, you must encourage your employees to earn this food handler certificate under all circumstances. Those who enroll in this course attend in-class and online instructor-led sessions to prevent slips, trips, falls, and injuries to their team members. Two things mentioned below help them ensure it:

Listed below are the skills they gain through this food handler certificate course to ensure it:

All in all, employees who complete their food safety course and earn the certification can also help prevent slips, trips, and falls at the workplace.

Tips To Prevent Slips, Trips And Falls At Workplace:

Add such an incredible feather to your corporate cap with a strategy. Yes! You are reading right! A fail-proof strategy is needed for it. It could be feasible if you take the following steps:

❖ Recognize, Evaluate and Control Hazards:

Identify situations and spots to prevent slips, trips, and falls in your office. Examine the situation and determine the nature of damage or injury possible to the victim. Finally, remove everything that you believe can result in slips, trips, and falls at your office. Do things that help control hazards related to slips, trips, and falls at the workplace.

❖ Encourage Focus On Situational Awareness:

This is extremely important. Ask everyone to pay attention to spills, obstacles, signage, weather, time of day, lighting quality, and other potential hazards. Ask your employees to take baby steps on slippery and wet floors.

❖ Encourage The Use of Proper Safety Kit:

Advise your employees to wear dress and footwear designed to help them enter special areas of the office or factory safely. Such a safe approach reduces the chances of slips, trips, and falls at the workplace significantly.

❖ Install Signage:

Install temporary signage during the following processes:

Install permanent signage to prevent slips, trips, and falls at the workplace during the following situations:

The installation of signage helps prevent injuries to your staff. Your business also reaps the benefits of this precaution on the productivity, financial, growth, success, employee engagement, involvement, safety, retention, and satisfaction front.

Ensure Regular Risk Assessment:

Regular risk assessment must be an important part of your employee safety and well-being policy at your workplace. It will help you identify the hazards of slips, trips, and falls at the workplace.

Such an approach will help you avoid injuries like sprains, strains, fractures, broken bones, contusions, head injuries, cuts, lacerations, neck injuries, and back and spinal cord injuries to your employees.

Make standard first aid blended (levels A or C) certification holders in your organization a part of every risk assessment you carry out. They will help you prevent such mishaps in your office.

We suggest you include every Red Cross certification holder in your organization as an important part of this employee safety and well-being process.

It is because their wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience will help you handle workplace accidents and injuries smoothly if something goes wrong. They know the art of dealing with cardiac arrest, respiratory issues, choking, strokes, and other medical issues that happen to your employees because of slips, trips, and falls at the workplace.

❖ Pay Attention To Everything:

Attention to everything at the workplace is essential to ensure employee safety and well-being. For this reason, we suggest you ask your Red Cross certificaion holders to pay attention to the quality of lighting, housekeeping, spillage cleaning, floor, implementation of safety plans and protocols, and the installation of all safety signs in your office. It will help you avoid slips, trips, and falls in your office.

These are the strategies and tips you can use to prevent slips, trips, and falls at workplaces. Value to the first aid certificate holders’ experience, skills, and knowledge will help you ensure employee safety and well-being at the workplace in the best possible way.

Let us know if you need any help in this process! Offer Red Cross and food safety certifications that help your employees learn things to prevent slips, trips, and falls at the workplace. What to do and what not to do is another thing our courses teach your employees if your staff member slips, trips, and falls at the workplace and gets injured.

Explore our portfolio of courses! Fill out the quick application form below to enroll! Do you have a question? We are waiting for your phone call!


Health is wealth! There is no doubt about it. A fully healthy staff is an asset your business needs to board the success flight. An incapable or unhealthy staff cannot do a thing that a healthy person can do for your business. For this reason, you need effective emergency first aid strategies to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for all your staff members.

The chances of success and growth for your business multiply with these strategies. These are not the only two reasons for your business to value the overall well-being of your staff. Read this post further. You will have a long list of reasons to value initial medical care as a part of your business.

First Aid Strategies To Ensure A Safe Workplace Environment For Staff:

Your staff needs a safe workplace environment. It means your office/business management team should offer everything your staff needs to feel safe. The most important thing your staff needs is an office safe from a physical and psychological health perspective.

We have prepared a list of strategies to help you add such an important health feather to your corporate cap. These strategies can help you play the game called business with complete authority. Our experienced team members have prepared these first aid strategies.

Time To Look At The Strategies Below:

Your business deserves effective implementation of all strategies for several reasons. For example:

Let’s get to the point. It’s time to talk about the first aid strategies your business management team can implement. The effective implementation of the following strategies can help you ensure a safe and healthy workplace environment:

Create A Strong Workplace Safety Culture:

It could be an incredible feat for your business. Be committed to dedicating your wealth of resources to achieving it. Full commitment to leadership and active involvement of employees marks the inception of this process. Listed below are the aspects that play an important role in this process:

These three things can help organisations empower their staff to contribute towards building a safe workplace environment.

Encourage Your Employees To Earn Red Cross Certifications:

This is something you must focus on. These certifications will equip your employees with the knowledge, skills, and experience they need to build a safe workplace environment.

They will have the motivation to actively participate in this process. In other words, your staff will feel motivated to enroll in Red Cross certifications to contribute to the development of a safe workplace environment.

Following is the list of courses you can think about to achieve this feat:

These courses will equip your staff with all the skills and knowledge required for it.

Implement Safety Measures:

Prevention is better than cure! Someone has said this rightly! You need to understand the hidden meaning of this phrase and leverage its potential to the fullest to ensure a safe workplace environment for your staff. It will help reduce and eliminate the possibility of the following:

Your organisation needs to take the following preventive measures to ensure a safe workplace environment for your staff from a physical health perspective:

Effective implementation of these preventive measures will promote safety among your employees. They will feel safe in addition to protecting each other at the workplace.

Value Psychological Health And Wellbeing of your Staff:

Another thing these Red Cross certifications promote is a sense of mental security among your employees. Caring for employees’ psychological health is important for creating a safe workplace environment. Therefore, we suggest you dedicate your wealth of resources to providing support and resources for the following:

Focus on creating an inclusive and supportive workplace. Your employees will be able to thrive personally and professionally. It could be possible if your organization takes the following initiatives:

These are the strategies your organization can implement to improve the quality of employee safety to ensure a safe workplace environment. Your employees will feel safe, protected, and valued.

What is more important is encouragement to employees to earn all the Red Cross certifications mentioned above. It will play an important role in this entire process. These certifications will load them with confidence, skills, knowledge, and experience to contribute to developing a safe workplace environment.

They will know what to do and what not to do to save a life at the workplace during critical circumstances. They will have the experience, skills, and knowledge to carry out safety measures confidently.

We take pride in encouraging you to explore our portfolios of Red Cross certifications to create a safe workplace environment for your employees.

Do you want your employees to feel safe at the workplace? Are you planning to encourage them to enrol in Red Cross certifications for it? We are only a phone call away! Call our Support Staff immediately.

The team will help you throughout the registration process. The Acticert team will answer your questions also.

Call now!


Unpredictable events are a part of every underground worker’s career. They must work in confined spaces like tunnels, tanks, vaults, and shafts. For this reason, the value of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) reaches cloud nine for them. They get trained about it during their first aid certification course.

Those who work in confined spaces mentioned above need extra knowledge about safety measures. Value to personal protective equipment is the topmost priority for all underground workers. It determines their chances of survival during critical circumstances.

Even first aid professionals value personal protective equipment. It is because they also have to work under critical, bloody, infectious situations to save lives. They also have to visit confined spaces to save lives. They are always at the risk of life-threatening infections. 

Continue reading this post. You will learn a lot about the PPE kit and its value for underground workers.

What Is A PPE Kit?

It is a collection of safety items worn during critical circumstances. A PPE kit significantly minimises the risk of life-threatening injuries and illnesses. These injuries usually happen because of the following:

Other workplace hazards are equally responsible for it.

Types of PPE:

Personal protective equipment is extremely important to implement risk control measures. Therefore, the value of your organisation’s role in PPE during basic life support certification courses multiplies significantly for the following reasons:

For this reason, it is important for every underground worker to learn about the types of personal protective equipment.

Different Types of Personal Protective Equipment:

Allow us to improve your understanding of confined space personal protective equipment for those who work underground or save lives in infectious situations. Take a look at its various forms below:

Eye Protection:

Underground workers usually face problems related to eyesight. It is because they work in places filled with the following:

Therefore, the value of their eyesight multiplies for them. Their entire career and life depend on the level and quality of their lifestyle. For this reason, they wear the following eye protectors while working underground:

These eye protectors safeguard your eyes and eyesight from the following problems:

All underground workers and emergency first aid professionals keep these eye protectors in their PPE kit.

Respiratory Protection:

Hassle-free respiration is important for underground workers. It helps them work easily without affecting their health and productivity.

Those who work underground and provide emergency first aid services usually face the following health hazards:

These health hazards are an ocean of the following:

These viruses and bacteria are the reason for human inhalation. Respiratory protection equipment (RPE) includes the following equipment to protect from serious respiratory issues and injuries:

These respiratory protectors safeguard underground workers and emergency first aid professionals while working in dangerous circumstances.

Face Protection:

Facial safety is important for underground workers and medical care providers. It is important for protection against the following hazards:

This is the reason they opt for the following facial protection gear while working on risky tasks:

All these glasses protect your face while you are working on a dangerous task. Even emergency first aid service providers also use these face protectors as a part of their PPE kit to safeguard themselves against viruses and bacteria.

Head Protection:

The value of head protection reaches the cloud nine while performing the following tasks:

It is important to ensure protection against the following to offer workers a safe workplace environment:

The scalp of your head deserves full protection. Include the following in your PPE kit:

We suggest you value head protection the most at your workplace. This is because most workplace accidents result in head injuries. Even most casualties at the workplace happen because of head injuries.

Hand And Arm Protection:

Most underground workers and BLS Certification need hand and arm protection. They need protection of these two body parts for several reasons. Red Cross volunteers need it to protect their hands and arms against the following:

Underground workers deserve the protection of their hands and arms under the following circumstances:

They deserve it for protection against several problems mentioned below:

We suggest you enrol yourself in a BLS Certification course once. You will understand the value of hand and arm protection at your workplace.

Body Protection:

Injuries and accidents happen without any prior notice. Underground workers know it the most. Even first aid service providers suffer bodily injuries while trying to save lives under critical circumstances. For this reason, full body protection is of the utmost importance for them. A PPE kit offers you full body protection against the following:

We suggest you include the following in your emergency first aid or PPE kit for full body protection at your workplace:

Remember, full body protection at the workplace is important for you to climb the success and growth ladder in your career. Therefore, value it!

Ear Protection:

Ear protection is also important for those who work underground. Don’t ignore it if you also work underground. The chances of hearing loss are always high for you if you are working in a noisy place. It could be because of exposure to noise above the action level or a serious blow to your head or eardrums. You need it to protect the following:

Ear protection devices listed below can help you on this front:

All these ear protection devices protect your ears against severe blows or ear injuries.

Foot Protection:

Your feet bear the entire weight of your body. Therefore, your feet deserve full protection. A worker’s feet suffer injuries at the workplace because of the following circumstances:

Therefore, make the following safety equipment an important part of your emergency first aid kit and PPE kit:

Keep your feet safe at the workplace using this safety equipment.

Height, Access, Communication, Monitoring and Retrieval Protection:

Those who work underground need the following protection facilities:

They need these facilities for protection against the following hazards:

This is the reason all experienced and skilled BLS Certification holders in the world suggest underground workers include the following safety devices in their first aid or PPE Kit:

These personal protective equipment can safeguard an underground worker or an emergency first aid professional like you. You need to understand the value these PPEs offer you.

Do you want to learn about the value of these personal protective equipment? You are then knocking at the right door at the right time. Acticert offer you a BLS Certification course. Explore our courses section to understand the value this course offers.

Fill Out the Quick application form below to enroll!  Hurry!


Every life at the workplace matters! It is because these people put their lives on the line to earn for the lives dependent on them in their families. We need to understand the value of incorporating first aid protocols at the workplace to safeguard the precious lives of everyone in the workforce.

The effective incorporation of lifesaving protocols is a crucial step towards fostering an environment that is responsive and safe for all your employees. Such an approach ensures several valuable things. For example:

The quality of training gained by them during the CPR Certification deserves full credit for it. You are about to understand the importance of initial medical care at the workplace. You need to understand it for several reasons. You will get the hang of everything once you understand the value of the following:

What is First Aid? What is Its Value?

It is the initial medical care and assistance offered to the injured or ill person. This initial medical treatment is invaluable for the following reasons:

It helps ensure all these things before the medical help arrives.

The Basics of First Aid At Workplace:

It is an important part of employee training in every organization. Those who undergo the training learn about Emergency Response Techniques. The training part includes a focus on equipping employees with the skills, knowledge, experience, and confidence required to treat the following:

What is CPR in First Aid?

CPR Certification is the best way to understand it. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is a technique used to revive someone if one of the following happens:

This technique is performed to maintain the flow of the following to all vital body organs:

The flow of both these vital things is ensured using the following:

The quality of CPR skills can increase the survival chances of a cardiac arrest victim. For this reason, we encourage you to enroll in a CPR certification course. You will get a chance to learn all the necessary skills associated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The Value AED Adds In First Aid

Automated External Defibrillators (AED) add value to the first aid as an essential component of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). This is why some certificate providers offer CPR – AED Levels A or C Blended certification.

It helps save lives during a critical situation like SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest). Most first aid professionals call it an easy-to-use medical device. They use it for the following purposes:

Performing the combination of CPR and AED can be complex for a novice. Such a thing can worsen the patient’s health. You must encourage your employees to enroll in CPR-AED Certification Levels A or C Blended to avoid such a situation.

The Process of Incorporating To Make Workplaces Secure:

The incorporation of employee wellness programs can help your business climb the growth ladder. Encouraging employees to enrol in a CPR certification program could be a strategic move toward achieving this goal.

All your staff members gain a wealth of experience, knowledge, and skills to perform medical emergencies under critical circumstances. 

Regular CPR-AED certification training sessions can help you ensure it. You must encourage your staff to be part of such sessions regularly. Their essential participation will ensure the following:

You, your staff, and your business will reap many benefits from it. For this reason, learn to make the most important part of your business.

You Should Also Earn A CPR-AED Certification For It:

Remember, this initial medical care process is an essential component of every employee safety program. Choosing the right training courses is of the utmost importance for it. The right course helps elevate the level of knowledge, experience, and skills about the following:

This course can help you learn the CPR and AED skills you need to prevent choking among children and babies. We suggest you consider all these benefits of enrolling in a first aid and CPR training program to make your staff capable of saving a precious life under critical circumstances in your office or factory.  These are the benefits that you don’t see. However, your business and staff reap these benefits regularly. Let’s now talk about the benefits you and your staff can realise.

Benefits Of Regular CPR-AED Certification Sessions:

Some benefits are not visible directly. Such advantages are realised through real-life critical situations. The certification, recertification, and refresher sessions of this aspect of first aid offer many such benefits. Such benefits test the skills, experience, knowledge, and toughness of your staff through real-life tests under critical situations where there is no chance of mistakes.

Such a litmus test equips your staff with a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience for the following:

These are some values first aid and CPR sessions add to your business. You and your staff realise these values through real-life critical situations. Your office and factory become a safe workplace for all your staff members. That marks the beginning of a successful voyage for your business in many ways. That’s true! Believe it!

Are you planning to empower your staff to save precious lives? Do you want your employees to feel valued? Increase the chances of someone’s survival under critical circumstances.

Acticert help you on this front. How about adding such an incredible business feat through CPR-AED Certification for the best first aid in your office or factory?

Call us to let us know your decision!