Food Safety is an important topic of discussion worldwide. The quality of your food determines the level of your health. The most important thing it determines is the quality of your overall health. For this reason, eateries, restaurants, motels, and hotels prefer to hire certified safe food handling experts. The implementation of concepts related to food safety helps their business reach the next level of growth and success on the business front.

Food industry witnesses millions of medical cases every year due to food-borne illnesses. More than 42,000 people die because of food-borne illnesses, says a WHO Report.  Prevention against food-borne illnesses is the only key to prevent food-borne illnesses.

Safe food handling benefits your customers’ health. The most important thing it benefits is your food business’s overall health. Even people and animals exposed to Microbes that play havoc with the food. For this reason, food safety principles matter.

This is something you are about to learn today.

Food Safety Principles:

Any action or activity performed to safeguard food items falls in the category of food control measures. These measures further have three different categories:

These measures go on to become the base of principles used to ensure safe handling of food items worldwide. Explained and listed below are these food safety packs:

Personal Hygiene

This is the first and most important principle and is taught to food professionals during the training period. It is a combination of hand washing techniques, wearing clean and protective clothing, trimming nails, keeping hair tied back nicely and regularly, and resting at home instead of working with food items during illness.

All food safety certificate holders wash their hands regularly using plain soap and water. They value scrubbing the following nicely:

They rinse and dry their hands.

Washing hands before, during, and after cutting, handling, storing, and cooking food is also an essential part of their hygiene to ensure safe food handling all the time.

Prevent Cross Contamination of Food Items:

Cross-contamination of food items is one of the biggest reasons for food-borne illnesses worldwide. Many people commit this mistake because of a lack of awareness about the harm such a food-handling practice causes to the health of their families and customers.

Such a mistake can be prevented using the following safe food handling practices:

Time And Temperature Control Practices:

Cooking to the right temperature for the right duration of time is another thing a food safety certificate holder must know about. Measure the temperature of cooked food items using a thermometer.

Make sure your food items have reached the right temperature. Don’t touch the bone, fat, or grizzle while measuring the temperature of your food. All food items are cooked to safety when the temperature rises enough to kill harmful bacteria available in them.

Make sure your food items are hot once the cooking process is over. The temperature of all cooked food items must be 40°C or more. The maximum temperature should be 60°C. The temperature of all food items microwaved must be 74°C or more.

Always refrigerate or freeze perishable food items within 2 hours.

Value Proper Food Storage Practices:

Food safety courses stress various things. This is one of those major aspects.

These are some things experienced food safety certificate holders suggest you to store food items. 

Value Cleaning And Sanitation:

Keeping food items perfectly clean is extremely important to keep food items safe. The sanitization of tools and utensils used to cut or store food items is also equally important. You can constantly achieve this incredible feat using the following tips:

Ensure regular cleaning and sanitization of food cooking and storage facilities.

Pest Control:

It is one of the top 10 safe food-handling practices worldwide. The flawless and regular implementation of the best pest control practices in food manufacturing or storage units is a must. You must remain vigilant all the time.

It is because the life forms that enter the manufacturing or storage unit get enough warmth/cooling, air, water, food, and safety from predators to proliferate. For this reason, food business owners need to clean their food manufacturing and storage units regularly to help ensure the prevention of pests, harmful bacteria, and contaminants.

These are some food safety principles that you must follow under all circumstances. These principles can help you keep your food items safe.

What is more important is that your business will remain safe, compliant with food safety regulations, and in the good books of your customers.

You can learn the art of implementing these principles through the ActiCert food safety certification course. Do you want this certification? Enrol now!


Most people in the world don’t consider First Aid as a rewarding career option. It is because they don’t know enough about it. Their lack of knowledge also deserves credit for it. You are making a big mistake if you are also a part of their army.

Certified professionals get a lot of value in all healthcare settings and similar sectors. They value hiring them to care for their staff, customers, and patients. They pay a bucket of dollars to the certified professionals they hire.

We suggest you consider First Aid as a rewarding career option. You will get the financial value you deserve in many countries. Canada tops their list.

Thousands of immigrants from every country come to Canada every year. They enroll in Red Cross Courses of their choice to enjoy a secure and rewarding career.

Don’t you want to make some money to secure the later part of your life? We suggest you think about getting First Aid certified in Canada for it. This country offers you many relevant courses and career opportunities.

Continue reading this post if you are interested.

Rewarding Career Options For First Aid Certified Professionals

There is a cut-throat competition in this domain also. Healthcare settings in Canada receive thousands of applications for relevant posts every year. They don’t have enough time and resources to entertain all these applications. They value entertaining applications of certified professionals that reach them at the earliest.

For this reason, we suggest you be an early bird to catch the worm. Relevant certifications can help you be that bird that catches the worm. Listed below are those Red Cross Certifications for your reference:

Basic Life Support Certification

Earn this certification to get hired by healthcare settings in Canada. You will get Duties to Respond. You will be a professional loaded with a wealth of experience, skills, knowledge, and confidence to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation skills in a team environment. Moreover, it is for those who want to master the art of performing Rapid Assessment, Basic Life Support Skills, Rapid Defibrillation, AED (Automated External Defibrillator), Airway Management, and Oxygen Therapy.

Nursing Homes, Care Aides, Medical Services, Dental Clinics, and Pre-hospital Care Providers in Canada are always on the lookout for talented, confident, and Basic Life Support Certification holders for their teams. You can be a valuable part of their Fire Service, Rescue Teams, Sports Medicine Teams, Lifeguard Teams, and Ski Patrol Teams.  They get paid heavily for the value and quality of their work.

Many industries in Canada are inviting applications for First Aid specialists these days. This is because the count of immigrants/workers in the teams of relevant companies is increasing. People are joining the world of Sports, Construction, Transportation, Fitness, Electrical equipment, Personal Training, and Aviation in the hopes of a financially secure life. The list of such industries does not end here only. The chances of accidents and injuries in these industries are always high.

Those who get injured or victims of accidents need First Aid on a priority basis. For this reason, all companies in industries value hiring Healthcare Professionals, First Responders, Caregivers, Fitness Trainers, Instructors, Personal Trainers, Child Care Providers, Teachers, School Staff Members, Security Guards, Park Rangers, Flight Attendants, and Coaches or Sports Officials.

All in all, Emergency First Blended (Level A Or C) certification holders have many career options to secure their lives financially.

Are you a homemaker? Do you work in an office? Are you a volunteer familiar with CPR Certification skills? In such a scenario, Canada is the best destination for you from a career perspective.

Earn a Standard First Aid Blended (Level A Or C) certification online. It will make you eligible to work directly with the public at Community Events, Fairs, Health Fairs and Presentations, School Events, and many more industries/companies in all sectors. Get your credentials for a rewarding career.


Professionals with this certification add value to their organization. This certification is mandatory for certain organizations and industries. Therefore, you can get your leg up if you have earned CPR – AED CERTIFICATION Level A or C Blended from some reputed college, university, or institute.

Those who earn this Red Cross Certification know everything about the following:

Those who earn CPR – AED CERTIFICATION Level A or C Blended are eligible for the jobs of a Personal Trainer, Child Care Provider, Teacher, School Staff Member, Security Guard, Park Ranger, Flight Attendant, Or A Coach Or Sports Official.

We suggest you earn these Red Cross Certifications from a reputed and accredited institute, college, or university to increase your chances of a high-paying job in Canada. Those who have one of these certifications get their leg up during the hiring process. Which way do you want to move? The decision is yours now!

ActiCert is the right choice for you. We are The Ontario Ministry of Health-approved Canadian Red Cross Training Partner. We offer various Red Cross-related Testing Services and Certifications. Do you want to know more about us? Do you wish to register for a First Aid Certification Course? Visit our official website. You will get the value you deserve.

Hurry! We have limited seats!


Do you even think about it? Does this question come to your mind every day? Emergency First Aid Certification is your knowledge-based recognition for executing relevant skills and competency with confidence everywhere. Its training is a part of the certification process. It equips you with all the knowledge, skills, strategies, practices, experience, and confidence you need to save lives while facing different circumstances and challenges. This is something you need to understand first.

Reasons To Get Emergency First Aid Certification Despite Training

Its training gives you everything you need to be reliable on the execution front. There is no doubt about that. Training alone makes you another face in the crowd. Do you want it? Think about it once.

First Aid certification makes you stand out in the crowd. It is compelling proof that you possess authentic skills, experience, and knowledge of the best first-aid programs and practices to save lives everywhere. There are some more reasons for this. For example:

Learning skills to save lives is not the only purpose of enrollment in an emergency First Aid Program for participants. It is a personal development opportunity you need for the following purposes:

All in all, you learn many things to improve your career.


People, organisations, and departments trust credible professionals. Such an important factor becomes an inseparable part of work ethics, skills, experience, and knowledge with an Emergency First Aid Certification. It is mandatory because you are a lifesaver. You cannot be ignorant or complacent while trying to save a life. As a result, your career reaches the next level in this domain of healthcare. Even your professional credibility reaches the next level as a certification demonstrates your commitment to delivering superiority on the professional front. It means you promise to maintain professionalism, industry standards and constant learning to be a trustworthy lifesaver.

Your certification is a proof that you have earned your knowledge, skills, and experience from a recognized/trustworthy College or University.  It proves that you invested your wealth of time and efforts to practically master your skills and knowledge. It means, you have done enough practice to be trusted to save lives.

It could be great for you to climb the growth ladder. Your career as a first responder or healthcare specialist can reach new heights. You could be eligible for Emergency First Aid Blended certification to learn new tips, tricks, strategies, knowledge, and experience to save lives and manage medical emergencies effectively at your home or workplace. This is another big reason for you to get certified after the completion of your training.

Your investment of time and endeavours to learn something boosts your income significantly. Most organisations or departments are ready to pay heavily to certified professionals loaded with a wealth of authentic experience, credible knowledge, and skills.

You are reading right! You gain a competitive advantage to get preferred during the hiring process. The level and quality of your competency and lifesaving skills multiplies because you dedicate your wealth of time to learning about new skills, emergencies, medical, healthcare, and life saving tools. Most importantly, you gain confidence to execute your skills and knowledge in a sophisticated team environment. 

Do You Want To Get Certified?

Do you want personal development, credibility factor, recognition for your specialised knowledge or skills? Do you want to increase your career or better income? Do you want to take your knowledge, skills and efficiency to the next level? Let us know if your answer to these questions is in Yes. We have various Red Cross Certifications for you to achieve all these incredible feats. Following is the list for your reference:

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is a First Aid course for you to learn about The Red Cross and the art of responding to emergencies. You learn about many more crucial things. For example:

You do these things during the Level A of this certification. Those who graduate to Level C are taught Level A content, Choking (children and babies), and CPR and AED (children and babies).

Basic Life Support Certification is a Red Cross Certification for those who wish to learn about Glove Removal, Primary Assessment, CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and AED (Automated External Defibrillator), Airway Obstruction, Assisted Ventilation and BLS Special Considerations. Are you one of those?

This Red Cross Certification is the right choice for those who wish to learn about The Red Cross, Steps to be ready to respond, The EMS System, Procedures to Check, Call, and Care, and Steps to Ensure Wound Care in addition to dealing with Airway Emergencies, and Breathing and Circulation Emergencies. First Aid for Respiratory and Cardiac Arrest is another crucial thing you learn about through this certification.

This Red Cross Certification is similar to CPR – AED Blended and Emergency First Aid Blended (Level A or C). However, as said earlier, every new thing is an opportunity to improve skills, knowledge, and experience. Similarly, this certification is also an opportunity for you to learn new things like Bone, muscle, and joint injuries, Environmental Illnesses, Sudden Medical Emergencies, and Poisons to save lives at the workplace or home for a better career.

Learning everything mentioned above is also a big reason to get certified when you are trained. It is because your Emergency First Aid Certification is the way for you to get the training of all these things to be an authentic, credible, experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled lifesaver at your workplace or home.

Hopefully, you have understood the value of becoming a certified first aid specialist after your training.

Acticert offer all these Red Cross Certifications to those who want to build a career as a lifesaver. You should explore our website to understand the value all our certifications can add to your career. Those who wish to register with us should choose the First Aid certification of their choice and proceed to the registration process! Registrations are open! Hurry! Only a few seats are left.


Millions of people immigrate to Canada every year. Most of these immigrants come here in the hopes of better professional opportunities. They enroll in different types of educational programs for it. Red Cross and Food Safety Certificates are among those programs. Such educational programs and initiatives help new Immigrants elevate their careers significantly. What is more important is these programs help new immigrants find their source of livelihood in this part of the world.

Successful completion of these programs leads to better professional opportunities. There is no dearth of better professional opportunities. For this reason, Canada is heaven for all new immigrants. Most immigrants want to improve their careers in various Red Cross and food verticals.

The popularity of these two fields is constantly reaching the next level. The rise of these two fields’ popularity has resulted in the introduction of many exciting career opportunities for new immigrants in Canada. We are going to help you understand this fact through this post.

Food Safety Certificate For Better Career Opportunities In Canada For New Immigrants:

In 2023, immigrants to Canada enrolled in the following crouses for a better career:

But the list was dominated by the following courses:

Do you also want to elevate your career in one of these two domains? Do you want to enroll in one of these courses to come to Canada for it? Alright! This country offers various courses related to these two domains. You can choose the one that appeals to you the most and enroll in it. Register for a course or certification that aligns with your professional and future goals.

Let’s Begin With Red Cross Certifications:

More than 20,000 ICRC volunteers are currently in over 100 countries affected by wars, violence, and catastrophes. They are building their career by helping people in need. They dedicate their wealth of time, skills, and experience to help people facing the wrath of armed forces and violence. They are doing their best to save lives in such countries.

All these ICRC (International Committee Of The Red Cross) volunteers are active in countries Norway, Russia, France, the United States, India, Ukraine, Turkey, China, Australia, South Africa, Argentina, Columbia, and many more. Canada leads their league by producing qualified and skilled healthcare specialists. The availability of various Red Cross certificate related programs in Canada proves it.

Do you also want to serve the people in need? Why don’t you come to Canada? There is no dearth of certifications to help you become a healthcare specialist trained, experienced, and skilled enough for emergency assistance and disaster response.

The quality of knowledge, experience, and skills you will gain will help you perform the following the right way:

All institutes offering Red Cross Certificates offer training using the following methods:

All of these courses equip you with different types of skills needed to respond to emergencies effectively.

Skills These Courses Equip You With:

You need to be certified to be a skilled and approved Red Cross volunteer in Canada. This could be possible if you enroll in one of the following certifications to immigrate to Canada:

We want you to make the right choice. For this reason, allow us to tell you a thing or two about these Red Cross Certificates below:



This course is related to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/Automated External Defibrillator resuscitation. Its successful completion equips the participant with the knowledge, skills, and experience required to recognize and respond to the following:

It all depends on the level of CPR you choose.

Basic LIfe Support (BLS):

Basic Life Support Red Cross Certification is for those who wish to be first responders, health care providers, or public safety professionals to provide basic life support to people facing the following medical emergencies:

The list doesn’t end here only. Those who complete this course gain the confidence to perform CPR in a team environment. They become reliable and confident professionals with a duty to perform.

Emergency First Aid Blended:

Emergency First Aid is another name for this Red Cross Certificate. Enrollment in this course equips first responders, health care providers, or public safety professionals with the necessary skills to assist an accident or illness victim. It helps ensure the following as soon as possible:

Skilled, experienced, knowledgeable, and qualified first responders, healthcare providers, or public safety professionals ensure these things by the time a team of qualified medical healthcare specialists arrives.

Those who enroll in this course attend instructor-led in-class and online sessions. They learn to perform vital life-saving first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills at the workplace or home.

This Red Cross Certification allows you to be a professional lifesaver in Canada. You can take your career to the next level in the healthcare industry. The Emergency First Aid course you select should fulfill legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety.

This is another opportunity for you to immigrate to Canada as a healthcare, first responder, or public safety professional. Canada provides a blended version of training for this course to all participants. Instructor-led in-class and online sessions are conducted to train participants.

Standard First Aid Blended:

Standard First Aid is another important Red Cross Certification for first responders, health care providers, or public safety professionals.

This course can help you to immigrate to Canada as a first responder, healthcare provider, and public safety professional who needs comprehensive first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for the following:

We suggest you earn all these Red Cross Certificates to immigrate to Canada. This country has many opportunities for skilled, experienced, knowledgeable, and qualified first responders, healthcare, and public safety professionals. You will have a great chance to improve your career with such certifications. Think about it once!

Professionals With Food Safety Certificate Are Also In High Demand In Canada:

Food Industry is one of the biggest industries in the world. The industry caters to the food needs of everyone in the world. But this industry also has its own challenges.

The list includes but is not limited to cooking, cooling, storage, and handling of food items. A small mistake by anyone in the food industry impacts consumers’ health.

Consumers are the backbone of all food manufacturing brands’ business. They know it! For this reason, they value their health the most. Their efforts to hire experienced professionals with a Food Safety Certificate speak volumes about it.

How Is This Possible?

The Government of Canada has introduced an Agri-Food Pilot Program for it. All food service professionals who want to immigrate to Canada for a better career can learn everything about this program from the official website of the Canadian Government. Follow the steps given below to find all this information:

You are now all set to seek information about the program. Read everything carefully to make the right move.

Register For A Reputed Food Safety Certification Course In Canada:

That’s right! This should be your next step in this direction. Find a reputed educational institution that offers this certification. Enroll in it, complete it, and you are good to go.

Look For Appropriate Opportunities In The Canadian Food Industry:

food handler

This is something you need to know about on priority. The accuracy of your knowledge about it will help you make the right choice. You will save all that money and time that goes into identifying genuine opportunities for food service professionals in the Canadian industry. It will strengthen your immigration case significantly.

You need to identify a couple of things in this process. Given below is their list:

Eligible Industry Code:

Your employer must include the industry code in the job offer extended to you. Only then your Food Handler Certification Course will help you immigrate to Canada for a better career. You can also find the eligible industry code by visiting the official website of NAICS.

Eligible Industries Agri-Food Pilot Program:

Several food industries are eligible under Canada’s Agri-food Pilot program. The list includes the following:

You must identify industries eligible under this program after or before you get your Food Handler Certification Course to immigrate to Canada.

Eligible Occupations:

The Agri-Food Pilot program of Canada has specified eligible occupations according to the industry type. Following are the occupations eligible under this program for you:

Occupations eligible for meat product manufacturing industry (NAICS 3116).

Several occupations are eligible for this industry. Take a look at the list below:

Get your food safety certificate from a reputed institute if you are one of the experienced professionals in these verticals of the meat manufacturing industry. Your certification will add value to your immigration case.

The list of occupations eligible for greenhouse, nursery and floriculture, and mushroom production industry (NAICS 1114):

Take a look at the list of occupations eligible for the industries mentioned above:

Do you have some experience in one of these food industry verticals mentioned above? Do you have a food handler certificate to work in Canada? We suggest you use both things to your advantage. You will get many job opportunities in the food industry to immigrate to Canada.

All occupations are eligible for the animal production industry. For Example:

You should know the complete list of occupations eligible for the animal production industry. Your knowledge about it will save you a lot of time during the immigration process. Take a look below:

You can use your food handler certificate to your advantage if you have worked in these verticals of the animal production industry. Your experience and certification can help you immigrate to Canada for a better career in this vertical of the food industry.

Annual Application Limits:

The Government of Canada entertains only 2,750 applications every year. There is no such restriction or limitation for individual applications. The Canadian government entertains applications on a first-come, first-serve basis. Professionals with food handler certificates are eligible for fee refund if their application is not approved because the annual application limit has been hit. You can try again next year.

All in all, certifications with some experience can nowadays help you immigrate to Canada. Put your best foot forward for it. Don’t have a Red Cross or Food Safety Certification Course to immigrate to Canada for a better career? Don’t worry!

You can enroll in ActiCert Red Cross and Food safety courses. Our courses can improve your chances of immigrating to Canada for a better career.

Come to our website or call us to learn about our Red Cross and Food Safety Certification courses immediately.